History of the Joint Music Program

1966 – The Joint Music Program is founded by CMC, HMC, and Scripps College with the establishment of the Concert Choir, combining the CMC/HMC Stag Glee Club and the Scripps College Chorus Club

1968 – Pitzer College enters the Joint Music Program

Concert Choir ca. 1970

1976 – The Chamber Choir is founded

Claremont Concert Choir ca. 1978

1979 – The Claremont Chamber Orchestra is founded

Claremont Chamber Orchestra ca. 1990

1996 – The Claremont Chamber Orchestra becomes the Claremont Concert Orchestra

Claremont Concert Orchestra ca. 2005
Claremont Concert Orchestra and Concert Choir ca. 2012
The Claremont Treble Singers replaces the Claremont Chamber Choir in 2018
The Choirs and Orchestra of the Joint Music Program perform Beethoven’s 9th Symphony for the 20th Anniversary of the Scripps College Performing Arts Center / 60th Anniversary of Garrison Theater in December, 2023

(Photo credit for 2 images above: Esther Mukai 2023)

Directors in the Joint Music Program

Directors in the Joint Music Program

1935-1960 – Doris Caster, Director, Scripps College Choral Club

Prior to 1960 – Louis Ronfeldt, Director, CMC Stag Glee Club

1960-1962 – Richard Collins, Director, Scripps College Choral Club

1960-1962 – Ladell Payne, Director, Stag Glee Club of CMC and HMC

1962-1966 – John P. Tate, Founding Director of the Joint Music Program; Director of the combined choirs

1966-1976 – John M. Lilley, Director, the Concert Choir

1976-1977 – Harold A. Daugherty, Jr., Director, the Concert Choir

1977-2010 – Michael Deane Lamkin, Director, the Concert Choir and the Chamber Choir (1977-1997); Director, the Claremont Chamber Orchestra (1979-1996); Director, the Claremont Concert Orchestra (1996-2010)

1997-2004 – Anna DeMichele, Director, the Concert Choir and the Chamber Choir

2004-2005 – Stephen Gothold, Director, the Concert Choir and the Chamber Choir

2005-present – Charles W. Kamm, Director, the Claremont Concert Choir (2005-present), the Claremont Chamber Singers (2005-2017), and the Claremont Treble Singers (2018-present)

2010-present – David F. Cubek, Director, the Claremont Concert Orchestra

Joint Music Program Homepage